Friday, April 11, 2014

This season...

Well like with every season, we usher in new anime. If you didn't know, I love anime and manga. So I always look forward to what gets adapted or what is completely fresh. I check up on what might look good by reading all the new release information. I actually did not do that for spring. Was totally disappointed. The only anime I can find myself not dropping would be Haikyū!! I like it. I am still making my way through other anime but everything has been disappointing. Enjoy some random Haikyū!! screen caps.

Lately it has been pretty stressful around the house with school included so I am still spending my free time playing a variety of games and rekindling my interest in other games (in hopes Japan will grace us with their new versions of the games FOR THE PS3).
I would love to play Sengoku Basara 4 with at least subtitles. I remember when we got Basara 3 for the Wii and my niece and I played it everyday until we completed it and it felt boring afterwards. I then bought Samurai Warriors 3 for the Wii and we had a lot of fun playing that until we finished almost everything. When I got the PS3 I started playing other Koei games and then one day I realized I didn't have Basara 3 for the ps3 so I bought it and its as much fun as it was when we got it for the wii. I wish we got Utage too but I would be so happy if they would bring over 4.

When summer starts up I decided to spend it working on art and craft projects. I saw this video on how to make sculpey key-chains.... and I want to try  the initial idea of making patterned bases and putting art and prints on them. Hopefully it works because it seems like fun to me. I thought it would be for my niece too. I also wanted to draw again but I am not sure how far that will go since I need art supplies now. I plan to use my summer budget to create an at home vacation for me and my niece, we will go to Japan without leaving our home. I need to take her to Uwajimaya so we can stock up on tasty delights. Her dream is to go to Japan someday whether to live or visit. She is interested in their culture and especially their foods.

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