Saturday, April 19, 2014


I got a package in the mail yesterday and again panic set in. I thought oh no I didn't order anything!! And again it was from my friend and her mom (and her dog hehe). They got me again! What a lovely gift that perked up my week. I will share with you all.

 This is a bento set I actually always wanted and the owl one my niece was so excited over.
 These neko charms are perfect I already started a charm set for them
I hope it doesn't look goofy... its hard to match stuff up xD do you love my little blood bag? I got it from a bjd friend a long time ago! She gave it to my second boy who was a doctor chara. I need to go give a proper thank you for these treats!

Ah so I decided to make a nice cream pasta for lunch. We always have frozen veggies so I figured I would use them

It was a really delicious lunch. Unfortunately I won't be able to do much cooking for a few days. I badly burned a finger on some steam and the pain hasn't subsided (so writing this hurts!).

I leave you with more cat pics....

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