Tuesday, July 8, 2014

too hot to care

Haven't been up to much lately. We put the a/c in the other day and ewww the big filter was caked in years of dust. So after I cleaned it the a/c pumps out cold air. So that meana I have been spending all my time in that room. I've been wasting time lately playing cellphone otome games. I tried this one called Office Lover and its cheesy, pretty predictable and not so great artwork. I still liked it enough to finish the route I was going but I HATED THE ENDING.
I wish they gave him a better ending not just have lots of sex they call sweet time and then suddenly lets get married.

I am also playing the Cinderella contract.

So I found out a while ago that my favorite game series is bringing another title to the US. Any DLC for its first part can be used for this next one with your save data. Which means I wont have to spend weeks working through the first 4 chapters for a fourth time.... lol. Yes I have played this game to the end three times. Long story. So yeah I have been playing it lately to get ready for the new installment.
I made my niece play and her team choice partially surprised me.

The other night we finally attempted to use sculpey to make key charms. Everything but the brush for the glaze was perfect. I know it must be the paint brushes i bought, they leave stoke marks and its unappealing. I tried dabbing the glaze on and it dried halfway perfect so it means i need to make sure its an even coat. I just want it to turn out nice so I do not waste all that money on it.

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